Friday, March 19, 2010

Importance of Trading Environment

Intraday Trading needs to be conducted in a conducive environment.

1. As Intraday Trading needs intense concentration , the trader needs to avoid all distractions.

2. The trader needs to access his meditative flow state.

3. There needs to be no opinion sharing itch among fellow traders unless there is a clearly defined protocol. This reminds me of how Victor writes about Trading Operation.

4.Need for maintaining silence in the trading room.

5. I am willing to admit that these unnecessary mistakes cost me yesterday and I paid the market a huge tution fee.

1 comment:

trader said...


I was once working at a brokerage firm as consultant, and quit 3 months before because my own trading suffered from the noisy environment.

The question that bothered me the most was that the noisy conversation wasn't even market related!

And the head of the firm would make merchant ears to my complaints.

Market Structure differences 2010 Vs 2020

Some of the changes I have observed in Market structure in 2020 compared to around 2010 Huge increase in trading Volumes Predominant ...